June 25, 2009

Reverie: Rant of the Day!

Ok so a recent series of events surrounding my life is leaving me wondering, what the fuck...

Why can't some people just get a clue, or get over themselves. Why, when fighting
a loosing battle do some people insist on fighting. Why can't they just save the drama,
stfu, and gtfo!

and why can't some people clue in you know, SHE IS A FUCKING HOOKER and even
when she wasn't hooking she CHEATED ON YOU WITH 50 PEOPLE... not 1, or 2,
not even 5... 50!

way to go, your going to amount to tooooooons!

MIchael Jackson

Rest In Paradise, Thriller Forever <3

June 19, 2009

Reverie: The 'Somebody Forgot to Name me' Post

So I have been 18 for exactly one month today. Although my life still consists of many stresses (such as my dad probably getting evicted, and my mom owing somebody money) I have to say, things are kind of looking up for once.

The girl had her surgery, she is feeling remarkably better. and I had a job but there is this big mix up so I said 'fuck it' and am now looking for another job. My puppy is doing great. I love him so so so so much.

I've been spending a lot of time with my brothers little girlfriend, she's 3 years old
and hands down, hilarious.

My best friend is in town, so thats been fun. We hung out with our old friend DS and had a good time. I'm going for a coffee with a really old friend LL which I never expected. and Me, KR, LC + SLD are going to K-Days together. I know its called "Capital Ex" now, but I will forever reffer to it as K-Days.

Oh, and I finally got around to dying my hair. It looks pretty swankin' good.
