August 26, 2010

Reverie: Eat These Inconvenient Truths

One thing that really pisses me off, are people who like to say that "drugs ruined my life".. "meth did this" and "cocaine did that"....Here is one thing that is a hard realization: YOU did it. You bought it. You liked it. You chose it over everything else.

A lot of programs and information that is out there lacks those facts. They like to advertise that drugs are ruining people's lives, but its not the drugs at all, its the people.

In rehab they say part of getting sober is acknowledging you have a problem. The next step should be taking responsibility for that problem instead of blaming the drugs.

If a person who made a conscious decision to smoke even though the label shows all the warning and disgusting chemicals, got cancer and died, as the package said they would... would they blame the smoke companies or the person who made the choice to smoke knowing the very probable consequences?

See our society has fallen prey to the victim role. Its a shame.

I used to do drugs. I was not peer-pressured, tricked or else wise. I knew exactly what I was taking, and what the consequences could/would be. I knew each time I popped a tab of X I could die. and you know what?? I popped 30. because I could. Its not like they were sitting there begging me to eat them....

Guess what? I also quit drugs, cold turkey, without any help. Its all in your head, you just have to find it within yourself.

Anyways... Keep it Rock'n

August 25, 2010

Reverie: Healpiness

Healpiness. My new word. Oh, it describes me by the way, well more so what I want to have.
Happiness and Health, hm clever? I think so.

Anyways, so I've started working out and stuff, today is day 2. So I've hardly got my feet wet, but I'm dedicated man. Of course there are a million reasons why I don't want to look and feel the way that I do, but the main reason, is because of myself. I'm happy with me. I'm not an ugly girl, but HELLOOOO...who wants to be the chubby girl with a cute face? and I know I have PCOS... so I need to drop some poundage asap. Except this time, I'm doing it naturally, with healthier food choices and exercise.

Last time, I used drugs, and well, as soon as I quit that, all my lost weight came back and hit me like a pile of bricks.

Nope this time, I'm alllllllll good. Then I'll be happy, I'll feel healthy, and my boyfriend will appreciate it too.

Well, on another note, I went and saw Step Up 3D today. It was pretty great, went with my neighbor, Moira.

PS. I like cheese. Ciao <3


Uhm, PARTY & PARTY & Move on? hah!

Dear Blog, I have let you down... remember when I used to always title my posts as "Reverie etc" now I am too lazy, and not as cool I guess.

K so seriously, here's whats new with me. I'm still with my boy, of course. Its almost been 10months. Its ridiculous how different things were at this time last year, and thats all I'm going to say on the subject.

So, uhh, I did some drugs, had some good times, and moved on this summer. Its about time, I mean, I'm not going to stay young forever, and I don't want to spent all my time doing drugs and just chillin', ya know?

Call me crazy, but I actually want to get my shit together and have a real career. Oh, by the way I'm working at cineplex now. Its all good, its money. It'll pay my bills.

Speaking of bills, CJ and I got an apartment, its in our friends building, its going to take a lot of hard work, but I just have this feeling its gonna work out, and I'm pretty excited.

We also got a puppy, she's this insane mix of pure beauty... are you ready? She's a boxer, german sheperd, pitbull, rotti, mastiff (from the moms side) and a pure bread Siberian husky (dads side) and man is she amazing. I love her so much. She is 11 weeks old, and CJ and I named her Nahla (Naw-La) Aurora Patterson. *smiles*

Ok and I have some amazing news, my boyfriend is finally doing what he needs to do and I am on cloud 9. Of course I miss him terribly, and its only been two days, but I'm so happy that we're finally on our way to our happily ever after... well so to say :P

and my baby brother Hunter is getting so big, I miss him so much =(

Lady Gaga concert is in T-3 Days. Sooooooooo excited!! THANKS MOM N.

Annnnnnnnnyways, I just got back from my neighbors, they're pretty dope. They ordered pizza for us and Nahla played with her bff (the neighbors dog) Reya.

but its pretty late and I gotta get to bed...

I'll be writing more... I'm back this time.. I think.

Love, ME <3