First of all, Happy New Years!
Christmas Eve day was much...worse then expected. Instead of only having to drive 3 hours to a neighboring city, my father and I had to drive 5 hours away to where she
was, and we weren't just picking up my brother, we were also picking up his mother
and brother. Can you tell how thrilled I was, because let me tell you, 5 hours of silence
with my father in his van was manageable, it was the 5+ hours on the way home with
two children under the age of 2 which made it almost unbearable.
Christmas Day was much better though, so I was pleased. My mother got me an XBOX360, that was totally amazing of her, and my grandma got me Sleeping Beauty. The little things were, Camp Rock socks, which are totally disgusting for two reasons,
- I cannot stand that movie
- I cannot stand the people in that movie
- I cannot stand the Jonas brothers
- One of them happens to be on my sock...
In any event, I asked her to get me The Sims 3 in February in exchange for one less present now, so I am waiting very impatiently for 'my present' to be released.
We're still waiting for Telus to come hook up our TV and Internet, only 5 more days now, I can hardly wait; Although, the girl managed to use a wire and we have fuzzy peasant vision...well at least we can watch the news, I enjoy the news, the news is good.
New Years Eve!
Yeah, this would probably be where I wrote how I had this wicked crazy night, and I got really hammered, blahblahblah, but then I would be lying, and there is no lying here. In actuality, I was home, waiting for the girl to come home, having a nap here and there, and then reading New Moon from the Twilight series in case you didn't know. A friend of mine emailed them to me, they are called 'EBOOKS', and they're pretty fantastic. I didn't mind though, I'm not one for getting hammered, I could find a much more appealing way to enjoy my time, and it certainly does not include alcohol, I passed that stage a long time ago, I drank from the time I was 11, until I was 16, I messed up my liver, that didn't stop me, but then I met my true love, end of story.
- Get Over It!
- Quit looking for something to be wrong
- Mind my business, more.
- Get a job ASAP!!!!
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