April 25, 2015

Reverie: 6 of Clubs

Eight months ago, my entire Universe was taken away, and put in a cage, locked-up, and those heartless monsters threw away the key.

I don't even know how to describe what it's like, living without the Love that you need to survive, but if I had to compare it to something, I'd say it's torture.

Eight months & counting, I'm losing this fight, but on my life, I swear, I'm gunna win the War, if that even matters.

You know how you've always wondered what it would be like to be invisible? 

Well, for the past eight months I've had the luxury of being invisible, all in our honour, with the bigger picture in mind.....

I'm starting to lose mine though, you know, my mind ?

Sometimes I even start believing the lie, and questioning the truth....

Guess I'm just a Big Bad Goof