August 25, 2010

Reverie: Healpiness

Healpiness. My new word. Oh, it describes me by the way, well more so what I want to have.
Happiness and Health, hm clever? I think so.

Anyways, so I've started working out and stuff, today is day 2. So I've hardly got my feet wet, but I'm dedicated man. Of course there are a million reasons why I don't want to look and feel the way that I do, but the main reason, is because of myself. I'm happy with me. I'm not an ugly girl, but HELLOOOO...who wants to be the chubby girl with a cute face? and I know I have PCOS... so I need to drop some poundage asap. Except this time, I'm doing it naturally, with healthier food choices and exercise.

Last time, I used drugs, and well, as soon as I quit that, all my lost weight came back and hit me like a pile of bricks.

Nope this time, I'm alllllllll good. Then I'll be happy, I'll feel healthy, and my boyfriend will appreciate it too.

Well, on another note, I went and saw Step Up 3D today. It was pretty great, went with my neighbor, Moira.

PS. I like cheese. Ciao <3