December 15, 2008

Reverie -Stupid Lamb <3

Now, back to regular blogging.

I don't believe I will be getting paid in time for Christmas, I suppose everyone will just have
to deal with getting late Christmas gifts.

Today is now the 16th of December, so only three more days until Telus finally gets around to hooking up our Internet/television. I hadn't realized how much I do enjoy television until going without it for several weeks. Hm, I have still been furiously searching for work of some sort, although I haven't received anything back yet, except for an interview for a store in a mall, and another for a pet store. I only went to one of those interviews, and I haven't heard anything back *sigh*. The girl is dreadfully sick also, poor thing can hardly talk. This month isn't shaping out quite like I had imagined.

And of course, it would be out of the ordinary for my life to do a day without drama, so here's today's: The step monster called me earlier today, asking if she and my father could drop of my brother while she went to her auntie's to do laundry, I agreed. However, it didn't end up happening, and this is why. Shortly after I spoke to her the first time, I got a phone call saying my father had hit her, I was kind of confused, because my father does not hit women. Even when him and I have our moments, he's never hit me, he's told me that he would get some chicks he knows to come hit me, because he doesn't hit chicks. So I had obviously assumed that Leah must be really pushing his buttons, even at their worst, my dad never even hit my mom, and let me tell you, its tempting sometimes, but that's a different story.

So later I am speaking to my father on the phone, the fighting is still going on, and it turns out I am right; She pushed his buttons, pretty bad may I add. She took the family allowance cheque, and was trying to leave with it. Even though it had previously been agreed by both her and my father that the majority of it goes to him, because she doesn't pay rent/bills, or buy anything for himself, he pays for her food, phone, cigarettes and whatever else it is that she 'needs', which in my opinion is MORE then fair.

As always she was being a drama queen, he barely hit her, and she still didn't give him the cheque, not to mention she was trying to leave with the youngest child [Hunter], whether or not he is actually my fathers doesn't matter, what matters is his health, and safety. So my father had to stand in front of the door for a really long time. I was laughing at this point, because the situation [on her end] had just turned plain childish. I could see my father and I in that sort of a spat, in fact, he and I have been in that sort of a spat 'not for the exact reasons and such' but still, I was 13-14 years old when I was pulling that, she is 21, I think its high time she grew up a tad.

In any event, I am done this blog, until next time =)

Latsyrcatek <3